Are you receiving debtor calls relating to a debt not owed? If you don't believe you owe a debt you are being contacted about, you can write a request and send through the mail within 30 days of receiving the initial notice or contact, stating that you want verification of the debt. You may also include in that letter that you do not want the debt collector to contact you.
The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act ( FDCPA) is a federal law that protects consumers against certain unfair collections that are practiced. It limits the behavior and actions of third-party debt collectors and it also restricts the means and methods by which collectors can contact debtors, including the number of times per day and the time of days collectors can contact debtors.
Contact Us For free Consultation Our Chula Vista Consumer Right Protection Attorney at +16194760030.
Violation of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act may result in a suit being brought against the debt collection company and the individual debt collector. Damages may be collected as well as attorney fees.
At Golden & Cardona-Loya, LLP, we practice in the field of protecting the rights of California's consumers. If you feel you have been wrongfully contacted regarding a debt, or are receiving multiple calls from debt collectors a day, contact us today.
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